Design is a kind of exercise, or form an entity by knowing form.
Type & Location: Pier 70, SF, CA Historic Renovation Earthwork
Client: San Francisco Citizens and World Travelers
Size: 712'*498', Machine Each: 20' tall * 15' wide' * 60' Long
Instructor: Keith Plymale, David Jaehning, UC Berkeley
Time: 2018 Summer School Individual Studio work, UCB
What is arts? What is design? How could we connect visualization graphics with spatial design? How could we link the scene script with installation construction?
This design aims to activate this historic district Pier 70 area with a combination of new shoreline landscape and several contextual machines by the visualization strategy hand drawings and models. The renewable strategy to link architecture and landscape design with movie director script drawings helps to sequence the whole activity of peoples in the community as well as a deconstructive way to form the machine stands in a post-artistic way.

Pier 70 is a historical place which used for industrial and ironworking. Now it’s an abandoned district place to hold events for the nearby neighborhood as well as facing the problem of pollution and abandonment.
It starts from the superimposed objects in 2D drawings, which create unexpected "new" objects, to the 3D dimensionalization of paper physical models. This design aims to activate this historic district with a combination of a new shoreline landscape and several contextual machines, which could be used to hold diverse cultural events at the same time serve as shelters for homeless people. By only using the method of cutting and folding, a dynamic in-between space was discovered to form an earth landscape work.